Shane Dawson Weight Loss Before and After 2023

We all have those times in our lives when something happens that leads to an important change. This moment happened for Shane Dawson when he went to an amusement park with his whole senior class and was booted off a roller-coaster ride because he was too fat.

That’s the beginning of Shane Dawson weight loss. Shane was terrified by this experience, and the day following graduation, he swore that it was enough and that he wanted to lose weight no matter what.

Shane Dawson Weight Loss

Shane Dawson Weight Loss Story

Shane also stated in several interviews that he stopped eating fast food and began jogging and going to the gym every day in order to lose weight.

As for your information, Shane Dawson used to have weight around 310 pounds, of course it was overweight. But, after he applied healthy lifestyle, he lost around 140 pounds of weight. So, his current weight right now is around 170 pounds. And it looks better with his height which is around 6 ft.

So eating well, jogging every day, going to the gym, and spending his concentration on artistic activities are the keys to Shane Dawson weight loss transformation. Here are some things you may take away from Shane’s weight loss experience.

Diet Plan

Eat the right foods in a proper way is one the kind of Diet that is very important to reduce the body weight. Let’s face it that junk food is the number one reason people gain weight.

Shane was a junk food junkie as a child. In truth, he had difficult times during his childhood and used eating to cope with that. As a result, he became an emotional eater.

But after he made up his mind, he decided to drastically reduce his intake of fast food and instead begin eating entire meals high in nutrients and low in salt and sugars.

Like Shane, you must make a deliberate decision to reduce your intake of fast meals (processed foods, sugary foods, etc.) and begin adding nutritious whole foods into your diet. These meals are abundant in nutrients that boost your metabolism and aid in fat burning.

Finding healthy substitutes for your favorite meals is one possibility. For example, if you prefer pizza, try cauliflower crust pizza, and if you like burgers, try black bean vegetarian burgers.

Do some low impact exercises every day. Furthermore, he applied a conscious eating method. It is the act of paying great attention to every element around what you eat and being mindful of what you consume.

Shane Dawson Weight Loss Before After


Shane works out at the gym every day. In fact, if you carefully watch some of his older videos, you’ll see that he frequently mentions going to the gym. If you dislike coming to the gym, you may perform easy workouts at home.

Going for a walk, like David does, is one of the best things you can do. There are many stories of David’s weight loss posted on his social media.


It seems to be easy to feel motivated and excited when you first begin, but you must maintain this pace throughout your weight-loss journey and even beyond to avoid regaining weight.

Start small, but be persistent. Be committed to do it every day without fail until it becomes a habit. Once that happens, you will almost certainly achieve your weight loss target. That’s what you can learn from Shane Dawson weight loss.

Katty Sina

Fresh Graduate who understands Nutrition Science related to Community Nutrition, Dietetics and Food Safety. Currently happy and enjoy to be a writer on RealityTvFashion.Com

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